Weekend in Malovishta

First, a little disclaimer: Malovishta is a beautiful village, situated at the base of Baba Mountain, in the National Park Pelister, and I highly recommend a visit. The images below are not intended to present a tutorial, but simply to describe the steps of making the final image, an imaginary tourist offer.

Read how this image was made:
This is the starting image, taken on a bright sunny day, somewhere before noon.

As you can notice, it's a bit too light, and saturated. So the first step is to desaturate the colors

Then, a vignette is added to darken the corners

Since the final image is invisioned to be dark and moonlighted, some shadow is added

Now comes the funny part. The scene is ready, time for the actors to be placed.  Nosferatu, The Wolf, and of course the moon which light I am trying to mimic.

Since it's supposed to be night, dark and spooky, cooling filter is applied

I am not sure whether the mistery person on the window is the victim, or the arch-villain, the master of all these beasts, so I'll let you decide. Bats as a cliche added.

That's about it with the image. Since all of this was previously planned to represent some kind of a poster, the right and the bottom right side of the image is left as an empty space for copy placement. So here it is.

I must admit that i could have done better with the choice of the lettering. Here is the translation of the text in the black box. Macedonian to English: